Friday, December 6, 2019


The spirit and cooperation of the native parishioners and summer parishioners, have been remarkable and unwavering. Father Thaddeus Popek, O. In , Father Pan began to achieve his big dream, a spacious new church. Francis of Assisi, Lewiston, Michigan, has not only progressed a long way, but by the grace of God, has marvelously developed and expanded. Sketches of the new rectory were approved by the Bishop and soon construction was underway in July, Interior of the church is finished in block and brick. popek holy father

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Our History

The silence of bishops regarding the homosexual subculture metastasizing throughout the Church enabled McCarrick — and so many others — to become the monsters they are. The main portion of the church has a seating capacity of Homosexuals are morally correct in defining themselves by their sexual inclination. Faced with funding problems, the undaunted Father Pan, who never knew defeat, and his few volunteers, completed the hall. Francis Parish was August 6, The interior was finished in rustic style-weld-tex on walls, pine on sanctuary walls-and half log slab finish on pew armrests.

t Popek - Holy Father -

Father Thaddeus Popek, O. But, other than a couple tepid, poorly proclaimed responses to the outcries of the faithful, you have offered no discernable leadership in these perilous times. In earlyFather Ted engaged the services of an architect to draw plans for the rectory Father Pan had holu to build.

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At the time of its erection, many parishioners thought it much too large for such a small community, but Father Pan showed foresight and wisdom hly building the church. Construction of the church features steel, glass and cement block.

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External construction of the church was composed of corrugated steel window frames with cement block foundation. The Fredmans also had a chapel and tool-room built on the cemetery property.

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Unimpeded by the Archdiocese, however, GASIC remains active and is now, we have learned, advertising inside parish bulletins at other parishes, such as these see page 8 shared by the Catholic Community of Waukesha — a cluster of four parishes and two school systems. He planned a knock-out panel for a future chapel, which today, saved faather parish several thousand dollars. The floor was tiled and the church was heated by a hot air furnace.

Father Pan as he became affectionately known arrived walking into town carrying a battered suitcase.

Раскольников / Popek - Holy Father (КЛИП 2014)

Call out and denounce the holly subculture that has long been spiritually and financially impoverishing our Archdiocese. Only three months later, Father Pan died in Grand Rapids Monastery knowing he had accomplished his mission of building a beautiful new church in this lovely north woods area. Mike Hammer who openly promotes the idea that the Church is wrong with regard to its teaching regarding homosexual activity and needs to change.

Until this grim reality is addressed directly, visibly and vigorously, the crisis will worsen. It was hoped that the small old church would be preserved as a shrine, but eventually it began to deteriorate and preserving it for sentimental reasons was no longer feasible. When complete, he maintained the buildings himself.

Interior of the church is finished in block and brick. Next, a four room rectory was erected with Father Pan doing much of fatjer building. The ultimate seating capacity of the church was As time passed, with good automobiles and the gradual improvement of roads, the influx of summer visitors proved the church to be too small.

May God bless Archbishop Vigano for having the courage to suffer the consequences that have come with his resolve fatheer do the right thing for Christ's Church. The Masons, their own temply a main structure in Lewiston at the time, were a tremendous help to Father Pan.

Francis, Father Pan asked approval to build a new church.

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Three years later, Father Poppek and his Church Committee decided a parish hall was needed. The hall waas well furnished with the necessary equipment needed to enjoy dinners and all parish-sponsored activities. Sketches of the new rectory were approved by the Bishop and soon construction was popei in July, A large cement cross was erected later in the center of the cemetery. Sometimes worshippers had to stand outside and hear mass over a loudspeaker.

Father Ted became an occupant of the spacious and comfortable new retory on Christmas Day of

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